Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2 on 2 out on the LIE

Please excuse any profanity, but it has recently come to my attention that there is a real world out there. Despite the wonderful philosophical views of Dr. John Mayer aparently there is such a thing, however trying to rise above the lie may not be the worst course of action. Ok Ok so maybe there is no lie to rise above. Who cares thorough? Human beings have an undying thirst for occupation. simply stated we hate to be bored.
Strangely enough I reached this conclusion on the Long Island Expressway. I spent my second memorial day home from college in Westhampton, NY. Even better than the scenery was the company and the cold libations we enjoyed together beach side. Could life get any better? I debated this while enjoying the lite beer and heavy sun. It wasn't perfect. My voice still cracked, I was still nervous around that one girl, I still spilled ketchup while eating burgers. It was pretty damn close though. We drank when we wanted to, we slept when we wanted to, we ate when we were hungry, we cursed when it was appropriate and when it was inappropriate. Then in a flash I was dropping off my friend at Islip and in traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway. I saw men in suits coming home in their BMW's and children walking home from school a hodge podge of blah. "Shit" I exclaimed while exercising the Jersey Slide . By nights end I was at an internship (this is the mans way of training you to be submissive). In the real world you cant drink when you want to, nor can you eat, sleep, or swear. People expect things from you. It's like an episode of 7th Heaven without Jessica Biel. Everybody is really worked up and there is nothing remotely arousing. There are positives to the real world: money, luxury cars, golf, high definition TV. Given the choice though I'll take 4 days of sun, beer and cute babes over 40 of the rest.
Eventually I know I'll be the guy coaching little league and wearing a tie. I'm sure I'll have everything I wanted as a boy. I know now though I won't have the freedom of a 20 year old memorial day. Maybe thats God's way of keeping us in check. After all if he never gave us these weekends who could believe in heaven and be willing to wait?

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